
We are in trouble

He had to debate three people, The activists moderators were horribly one sided. he should NEVER do another debate there. They fact checked everything he said and 0 times for the knob gobbler. She lied every time she opened that hole on her face and not one fact check on her. he didn't have a chance. But democrats lie, especially this new breed of weirdos. If she wins we are looking at communism and gun confiscation and i can't believe gun owners here are voting for that BS.
i do not know how true this is, but on my morning radio talk show, it was said that the president of ABC news (??) is close friends with the cackling hen.....

if that is true, can we see why the mods were giving Trump a hard time..????
I did not watch. I had a gut feeling based off his rallies ( or at least the clips I have seen) in days running up to this. When he resorted to “stupid people” ad hominem attacks.
He is his own worst enemy. He will Not win the women and swing voters over with this type of language.
I know it won’t change but it would be refreshing to hear “We” rather than “I”.
He looked exhausted because the underlying issue is that he is old. That is one of the problems. The other issue is that she is a liar. This is what it comes down to. At this point I don't want to vote for either one of them and probably excuse myself from this election cycle. I can already see the writing on the wall.
A lot of folks fall into this trap, so not directed at you NMEDGE. But a non-vote is a definite vote for the party you’re opposing. And I’ll take old and someone who exaggerates almost exclusively about his own achievements over someone who non-stop lies about her (attempted hidden) Marxist plans for the United States of America.

A lot of folks accuse Trump of always lying (and trust me, I’m not a hard core Trumpist), but his repeating of actual news stories that all of us can read anywhere is NOT lying. And it is not his responsibility to fact check allegedly professional news sources.
i do not know how true this is, but on my morning radio talk show, it was said that the president of ABC news (??) is close friends with the cackling hen.....

if that is true, can we see why the mods were giving Trump a hard time..????
It is true they are at least “friends” and the fact that wasn’t disclosed at the beginning of the debate is a bit problematic to me.
A lot of folks fall into this trap, so not directed at you NMEDGE. But a non-vote is a definite vote for the party you’re opposing. And I’ll take old and someone who exaggerates almost exclusively about his own achievements over someone who non-stop lies about her (attempted hidden) Marxist plans for the United States of America.

A lot of folks accuse Trump of always lying (and trust me, I’m not a hard core Trumpist), but his repeating of actual news stories that all of us can read anywhere is NOT lying. And it is not his responsibility to fact check allegedly professional news sources.
I am not falling into anyone's trap! Trust me i'm smarter than that. Just because I HAD TO support idiots appointed above me when in the military for 23 years doesn't mean I have to now. All I see now is idiots. If you don't agree that's ok, it's MY CHOICE
Gentlemen, and Ladies, let's not lose sight of the future here. Each election is sold to us as the most important one ever. I prefer to study demographics. You older gents that have served and fought for this country, whether in US military uniform, or some form of domestic uniform, such as a police officer etc take heart. Your service was not in vain. These super pro abortionists, like some other demographics I will not list, are in their death throes.

Statistically several major banks and data firms are showing most of the younger set of females will never marry, some respected ones show approx 47%. They will not have children, which means their craven politics and self indulgences will die off with them. The so called dating scene these days is nothing more than organized prostitution where the same small percentage of "guys" have dating harems. The girls boast to each other of their high body counts, not understanding that they are part of someone else's as well.

Men, at least real men, aren't showing up to the bars, the dance clubs, the pick up scene and have removed themselves fromt the dating apps. The women are furious that their charms are no longer working. Society is in the midst of a reset and those in their 20s and thirties have a no partner future to look forward to. Real women understand the value of real relationships. Patience folks, the future is coming and with it a hard change in morals, social mores and the balance of power. :)
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I’ve never been happy about choosing the lesser of two evils.

At any rate, no one was surprised by Trump’s performance. The dude just can’t help himself. I don’t think the debate changed anyone’s mind though. You still have the same two choices you did before the debate. A far left president and 4 more years of what you just went through or another Trump term.
Bob, I’m sticking with the devil I know and vote for America!
Right, vote for the lesser of two evils…..
A friend recently sent me this. I could not have said it better.

"Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like many things about Trump.

But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

That moment when someone says,
"I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

Im voting for smaller government and less strangling regulations on our small businesses.

I’m voting for tax cuts for everyone, and NO unrealized capital gains taxes on our 401k’s and homes.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

I’m voting for the peace process in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not just voting for one person.
I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I'm not voting for Trump.
I'm voting for America."
A friend recently sent me this. I could not have said it better.

"Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like many things about Trump.

But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

That moment when someone says,
"I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

Im voting for smaller government and less strangling regulations on our small businesses.

I’m voting for tax cuts for everyone, and NO unrealized capital gains taxes on our 401k’s and homes.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

I’m voting for the peace process in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not just voting for one person.
I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I'm not voting for Trump.
I'm voting for America."
well put, but it only works if our votes count.

The only trouble is that most people won't realize that DJT was debating three people on that stage tonight. He was not at his best. ABC's bias was showing in abundance. Harris had been well-coached for a week, doing mock debates. The questions were meant to keep DJT on the defensive. Why would David Muir "fact check" DJT and not Harris? Hopefully the more well informed citizens will see through this circus.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Last night will not change my wife and my vote screw harris
DJT has a proven record of what he does, and can accomplish. If the party would've backed him, the sky could've been the limit. As far as looking mad, or mean as they have stated. this man since 2015 has been under constant attack when everyone else got a pass for the same crap. My hat is off to this man, I truly believe he loves America and her people. I don't know any other politian I can say that about. So regardless what you think or feel he, I do believe will fight for us.

That debate 3 against 1, never forget that