
We are in trouble

I wouldn't give either of them a serious thought. You ?
😂…I’ve even given up on Fox. I do occasionally view the National News Desk if I find myself interested in something going on in the World. Usually now I just read the app SmartNews, trying to keep track of “reporting” from all sides. As they say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. If you want to read some real whacko stuff, try Axios, Wonkette, and Raw Story. There’s several others, but these three are something else, at least to anyone with an education and capable of critical thinking. They make Fox seem left leaning!
😂…I’ve even given up on Fox. I do occasionally view the National News Desk if I find myself interested in something going on in the World. Usually now I just read the app SmartNews, trying to keep track of “reporting” from all sides. As they say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. If you want to read some real whacko stuff, try Axios, Wonkette, and Raw Story. There’s several others, but these three are something else, at least to anyone with an education and capable of critical thinking. They make Fox seem left leaning!
I don't watch any news. I haven't for years. Occasionally local, mostly for the weather or a particular local story. I look around the News app on my iPhone in the mornings in the parking lot waiting to start work. Axios, Rolling Stone, Guardian, Fox, the big 3. I don't notice Fox being particularly right wing, but unlike all the others there aren't usually 5-10 obvious hit pieces on Trump on any given day.

As spectacularly bad that Trump was in the debate, it won't change many minds. The only people who might change their mind are independent voters. I can easily see Trump losing for one reason, too many influential republicans are not only refusing to endorse him, a few are actually endorsing Harris.
As spectacularly bad that Trump was in the debate, it won't change many minds. The only people who might change their mind are independent voters. I can easily see Trump losing for one reason, too many influential republicans are not only refusing to endorse him, a few are actually endorsing Harris.
Yep, which shows how conservative they “really” are…the “influential Republicans”. No conservative in their right mind would even endorse Harris’ vision for the US.
Yep, which shows how conservative they “really” are…the “influential Republicans”. No conservative in their right mind would even endorse Harris’ vision for the US.
I would disagree mightily with that,

Considering what R values typically have been—fiscal responsibility, more traditional values…Trump—with his jacking up the deficit and multiple affairs (let alone paying to bang porn stars) is the RINO.

Food for thought.
I would disagree mightily with that,

Considering what R values typically have been—fiscal responsibility, more traditional values…Trump—with his jacking up the deficit and multiple affairs (let alone paying to bang porn stars) is the RINO.

Food for thought.
Yea, but he is the lesser of two evils….. people just have to decide which evil they want to vote for…..the lesser or more aggressive……