
What are you doing right now??

Quit for the day on the deck at about 9. Took a shower, having some tea and watching some cartoons.

It was pretty dark when I finally quit so I couldn't get the latest pics, but this was about 4:00-ish before I started putting the top on. I started on the outside and worked toward the house. I got 7 rows on. With the wife helping me, pre-drilling the holes and taking over the screw gun when it's time for me to measure the next board, we were averaging about 20 minutes per row. I should be real close to done tomorrow night if we don't get rain.



Quit for the day on the deck at about 9. Took a shower, having some tea and watching some cartoons.

It was pretty dark when I finally quit so I couldn't get the latest pics, but this was about 4:00-ish before I started putting the top on. I started on the outside and worked toward the house. I got 7 rows on. With the wife helping me, pre-drilling the holes and taking over the screw gun when it's time for me to measure the next board, we were averaging about 20 minutes per row. I should be real close to done tomorrow night if we don't get rain.


Great looking job my man
Quit for the day on the deck at about 9. Took a shower, having some tea and watching some cartoons.

It was pretty dark when I finally quit so I couldn't get the latest pics, but this was about 4:00-ish before I started putting the top on. I started on the outside and worked toward the house. I got 7 rows on. With the wife helping me, pre-drilling the holes and taking over the screw gun when it's time for me to measure the next board, we were averaging about 20 minutes per row. I should be real close to done tomorrow night if we don't get rain.



That’s one heck of a deck you’ve got going there!
Quit for the day on the deck at about 9. Took a shower, having some tea and watching some cartoons.

It was pretty dark when I finally quit so I couldn't get the latest pics, but this was about 4:00-ish before I started putting the top on. I started on the outside and worked toward the house. I got 7 rows on. With the wife helping me, pre-drilling the holes and taking over the screw gun when it's time for me to measure the next board, we were averaging about 20 minutes per row. I should be real close to done tomorrow night if we don't get rain.



That's a helluva deck. You and the Mrs are to be commended.
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