
What are you doing right now??

Quit for the day on the deck at about 9. Took a shower, having some tea and watching some cartoons.

It was pretty dark when I finally quit so I couldn't get the latest pics, but this was about 4:00-ish before I started putting the top on. I started on the outside and worked toward the house. I got 7 rows on. With the wife helping me, pre-drilling the holes and taking over the screw gun when it's time for me to measure the next board, we were averaging about 20 minutes per row. I should be real close to done tomorrow night if we don't get rain.



dammm BATMAN your killing it, thats one freaking big deck you got going on
dammm BATMAN your killing it, thats one freaking big deck you got going on

I ran out of juice about 6:00. I think schlepping 70 soaking wet, heavy, treated 12' 2x6s from my trailer out front to the back yard took it's toll.

Last Saturday morning there was only 6 holes with concrete piers with a threaded rod sticking out. So 2 days of digging and pouring piers, 2 days of building beams and setting joist and 2 days of laying boards so far. Also two of those days I got late starts because I went to the lumber yard to pick up massive loads of lumber. Not horrible for an old man, though if I was 5 years younger I would be done right now.




I ran out of juice about 6:00. I think schlepping 70 soaking wet, heavy, treated 12' 2x6s from my trailer out front to the back yard took it's toll.

Last Saturday morning there was only 6 holes with concrete piers with a threaded rod sticking out. So 2 days of digging and pouring piers, 2 days of building beams and setting joist and 2 days of laying boards so far. Also two of those days I got late starts because I went to the lumber yard to pick up massive loads of lumber. Not horrible for an old man, though if I was 5 years younger I would be done right now.




Outstanding !!!

Regardless of what @SimonRL says about you🙂😬😏😜
I ran out of juice about 6:00. I think schlepping 70 soaking wet, heavy, treated 12' 2x6s from my trailer out front to the back yard took it's toll.

Last Saturday morning there was only 6 holes with concrete piers with a threaded rod sticking out. So 2 days of digging and pouring piers, 2 days of building beams and setting joist and 2 days of laying boards so far. Also two of those days I got late starts because I went to the lumber yard to pick up massive loads of lumber. Not horrible for an old man, though if I was 5 years younger I would be done right now.




you earned a few beers and god stars
those beams and stringers look dead on balls accurate and STRAIGHT

be proud