
What are you doing right now??

actually, waiting for the drier to stop, and brewing 17 cups of hot coffee, in a 12 cup decanter for iced coffee......

the trick here, is to have another vessel at the ready to remove the brewing one, and replacing it with the empty one.

i finished cleaning/priming the "wood patch piece" for that repair this weekend.

wife has the rescue company on speed dial, daughters are calling me saying thier husbands will be over, my sons are screaming at me for wanting to climb a rickety old ladder...

my master plan has worked.......someone will do the job for me.......... :ROFLMAO:

while i watch, eating the new batch of walmart gooey fudge brownies i bought this morning........:p
You sound a lot like a prepper. Not in a bad sense, but in the sense that you'll make extra of some things to have for later. My wife is a lot like that ... if she's going to make pasta for example, instead of just bringing one pot of water to a boil, just enough for the pasta she's making that night, she'll boil two pots, use one for the pasta and put the other in the freezer for next time!!! :eek::D:D
man that takes me back..... Andre the giant, jake the snake, yes the harts! and so many.....anyone remember the later guys like KingKong Bundy.....good times
Go to believe he was after my time watching the sport. Jake the Snake, oh hell yeh. Especially with his de-fanged Cobra!!! I was watching with my nephews the night Owen Hart was dropped into the ring and killed.
Waiting on nice authentic Italian food to be ready to take home .. with a Peroni .

i am not sure of how you mean a shite show........if you mean super busy? then that's good, (to me) showing that much construction or remodeling is getting done this year....putting people to work.

if you mean to say, machinery breaking down, people not showing up for work, or other problematic things, then i feel for you.
Just seeing this now. The latter paragraph. Constant short staffing, machinery/engineering issues, poor supervision. But I'm over it, it's my weekend!!