
What are you doing right now??

You sound a lot like a prepper. Not in a bad sense, but in the sense that you'll make extra of some things to have for later. My wife is a lot like that ... if she's going to make pasta for example, instead of just bringing one pot of water to a boil, just enough for the pasta she's making that night, she'll boil two pots, use one for the pasta and put the other in the freezer for next time!!! :eek::D:D
since i was a kid, and watched either my mom or dad do things, i saw a method to" the madness" of what they were doing....

i am not a prepper in the sense of hunkering down for the apocalypse, for that day, imma gonna kill as many zombies as i can, raid as many 7-11's as i can and then....take my naps.....after all zombie killing can be tiring, you ever watch any of those movies..???

but, i always found that yes, when there is work to be done i have 2 choices, get it done and ready, or do nothing and gripe that i have shite to do, and why didn't i do it earlier?

just like in trucking, things had to be at the ready (prepped) for the road, and my comfort...it was better to take some of my off duty hours and get things done, than to sweat like a mofo and rush to get on the road.

same as my mechanic days....get the repair order, tools, parts, coffee pot ready, and get to work.

as for freezing hot water, the wife and i shopped for double door freezers years ago, and right now, it is full of frozen boiling water.....come to think of it, we should rotate the old out, and put new in.......
going to the club this morning, taking the black Beretta 92 FS, and only 100 rds......

then got more laundry to do, 2 more loads in fact, the wife has baby-sitting duty for 5 kids she was told, could be more i fear, today.

she will do fine, air-conditioned home, food, and chains and handcuffs for the monsters........

another in the reason she goes to the Bingo games...so much more relaxing.....
Drinking coffee before yet another therapy session. Only 1 today. I decided that since I really can't do too much that I am going to sit down later and go through and tear apart and clean all my weapons and give them all a once over. I used to just clean them after shooting but figured since I'm getting tired of watching tv and other useless crap I might as well do something productive.
got back from the range, the Berretta was a charm as always, i sucked at the first 50 rounds/target...the second 50 rounds/target was much better, pictures in the thread, "a good day at the range", later....as i got errands to run in a bit.

scratched off a lottery ticket.....well i ain't gonna be getting a $1,000 a month this time.

when i get back, i gotta clean that gun, finish with the laundry, then call mama to see if she's chained and handcuffed the monsters yet.
Midway through the second cup of magic brown liquid. It's gonna be a hot one here today, so I am packing up a few pistols and going to the range, where it's cool. It has been way too long since I last put lead downrange. Hopefully I can get anything outside done this evening, as we are in for storms tomorrow.
I try not to whine too much about the heat up here because THIS is coming...
View attachment 63518View attachment 63518Midway through the second cup of magic brown liquid. It's gonna be a hot one here today, so I am packing up a few pistols and going to the range, where it's cool. It has been way too long since I last put lead downrange. Hopefully I can get anything outside done this evening, as we are in for storms tomorrow.
I try not to whine too much about the heat up here because THIS is coming...
Okay, I wasn't trying to be a smarta$$ about this. I accidentally double posted the meme and couldn't fix it. Hope it's not indicative of how my day is going to go....:rolleyes::rolleyes:
i went to do some extra errands....and i went to the fish store.

i got the wife a 2 pound lobster, and for me 3 stuffed scallop shells.

i think the wife deserves a lobster dinner......

i am about to cook the lobster now, and she will just dip it in hot butter at dinner time...

this is what i am having...stuffed scallop shells......


this is the live lobster.....


this is after i jab a knife behind his head.....


and a cooked lobster...

View attachment 63518View attachment 63518Midway through the second cup of magic brown liquid. It's gonna be a hot one here today, so I am packing up a few pistols and going to the range, where it's cool. It has been way too long since I last put lead downrange. Hopefully I can get anything outside done this evening, as we are in for storms tomorrow.
I try not to whine too much about the heat up here because THIS is coming...
That looks pretty good right now
View attachment 63518View attachment 63518Midway through the second cup of magic brown liquid. It's gonna be a hot one here today, so I am packing up a few pistols and going to the range, where it's cool. It has been way too long since I last put lead downrange. Hopefully I can get anything outside done this evening, as we are in for storms tomorrow.
I try not to whine too much about the heat up here because THIS is coming...
won't work with me..

I HATE the heat..

I HATE the snow, cold, ice....

I HATE raking the fall leaves

I HATE spring cleaning....

i wanna live in a bio-dome.