
What are you doing right now??

done a couple of errands, and wanted to buy a new desk chair, to use for my Lee reloading press, as it sits lower than my DIllon...i had an old wooden kitchen chair, very uncomfortable.

now, these were on sale at a local discount store here.....Ocean State Job Lot....

but what i bought, is clearly not what they advertised......

the gal typed in the numbers, so i only got charged the sale price, but i have bought desk chairs before, and this one is clearly in the $35 to $45 price range,.

but do i care...??? do i worry...???

nope, the gal typed in the numbers, and this is what i got

fully padded back rest....


this is what they advertised on sale for $29.99....mesh back rest......and a not as much padded seat as the one i got...


done a couple of errands, and wanted to buy a new desk chair, to use for my Lee reloading press, as it sits lower than my DIllon...i had an old wooden kitchen chair, very uncomfortable.

now, these were on sale at a local discount store here.....Ocean State Job Lot....

but what i bought, is clearly not what they advertised......

the gal typed in the numbers, so i only got charged the sale price, but i have bought desk chairs before, and this one is clearly in the $35 to $45 price range,.

but do i care...??? do i worry...???

nope, the gal typed in the numbers, and this is what i got

fully padded back rest....

View attachment 65330

this is what they advertised on sale for $29.99....mesh back rest......and a not as much padded seat as the one i got...

View attachment 65331

You scored
Papa I would still try them tell them what happened
Update: Well I contacted the seller and told them what had happened. They are going to refund me 30% of what I paid. I really didn't expect it and I didn't ask for any refund. That tells me they are a standup place. This was bought off of eBay so I'm not going to name the seller.

I let them know that I was thankful for the refund. The officials at housing tell me it will be next week before they can review the cameras and find out if the one in my hallway was working and anything was seen.
Update: Well I contacted the seller and told them what had happened. They are going to refund me 30% of what I paid. I really didn't expect it and I didn't ask for any refund. That tells me they are a standup place. This was bought off of eBay so I'm not going to name the seller.

I let them know that I was thankful for the refund. The officials at housing tell me it will be next week before they can review the cameras and find out if the one in my hallway was working and anything was seen.
nearly every online retailer/seller knows all too well about "porch pirates"

it "might help" if you can make arrangements with the apartment people to have a mini-cam installed over your door. some are like so small, no one will ever notice it.

just a thought
nearly every online retailer/seller knows all too well about "porch pirates"

it "might help" if you can make arrangements with the apartment people to have a mini-cam installed over your door. some are like so small, no one will ever notice it.

just a thought
There are two security cameras in my hallway. One just past my apartment door and another at the other end of my hallway. If they were working both of them would capture the person who did this. Again this is Government housing . Asking them to install another camera wouldn't do any good at all.
There are two security cameras in my hallway. One just past my apartment door and another at the other end of my hallway. If they were working both of them would capture the person who did this. Again this is Government housing . Asking them to install another camera wouldn't do any good at all.
there is always the all too real possibility, that it is not even a resident.

i have a buddy that lives in such an apartment, his rent is determined by his income (SS checks)....here they are known as "section 8 housing", and believe me, when i pick him up for a range or club day, or to take him grocery shopping, i see way too many deadbeats around there, going in, and coming out.

he has a key fob to enter after one gets into the foyer...many times, people just buzz in others with out asking who it is.

also too, people exiting, the door at his place is very slow to close, due to maybe a wheel chaired person, or one on crutches/canes.

no, what i meant about a mini cam is, You buy one, and they install it..many times they have double sided tape, so no drilling.

anyway, good to hear the retailer is making good for you.
Update: Well I contacted the seller and told them what had happened. They are going to refund me 30% of what I paid. I really didn't expect it and I didn't ask for any refund. That tells me they are a standup place. This was bought off of eBay so I'm not going to name the seller.

I let them know that I was thankful for the refund. The officials at housing tell me it will be next week before they can review the cameras and find out if the one in my hallway was working and anything was seen.
Good try you got done back
There are two security cameras in my hallway. One just past my apartment door and another at the other end of my hallway. If they were working both of them would capture the person who did this. Again this is Government housing . Asking them to install another camera wouldn't do any good at all.
My daughter put a Ring brand wifi camera that uses batteries above her apartment door. She loves that she can see who’s coming and going
My daughter put a Ring brand wifi camera that uses batteries above her apartment door. She loves that she can see who’s coming and going
Yeah I am thinking about doing this. I also am thinking about getting a few for inside my apartment. I have 3 windows and this is a single story building. Whoever stole my package now knows or at least suspects that I have firearms.

I assume the camera your daughter has , has an app for her phone?
Yeah I am thinking about doing this. I also am thinking about getting a few for inside my apartment. I have 3 windows and this is a single story building. Whoever stole my package now knows or at least suspects that I have firearms.

I assume the camera your daughter has , has an app for her phone?
We have Ring at our house thats wired where the door bell goes, but she cant do that at an apartment.
So she bought the wireless one and got a stool and attached it high above the door so folks cant just walk off with it.
App allows all same features as the wired version
Yeah I am thinking about doing this. I also am thinking about getting a few for inside my apartment. I have 3 windows and this is a single story building. Whoever stole my package now knows or at least suspects that I have firearms.

I assume the camera your daughter has , has an app for her phone?
my house is old, as i have said many times...some windows on the first floor have locks, but most do not work.

so what i did was drill a hole into the upper sash, maybe about the size of an 8 or 10 penny nail.

then i insert the nail into that hole...

SOB's cannot lift up the window..

of course, smashing it makes noises.

by the way, that hole is easy to fill in with caulk, if you move out.