Went past two LGS, but both were closed.
I guess I'll peruse online and see which one makes my heart go pitter patter.
Oh man. I hope he recovers quickly brother.told my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
very best of luck to himtold my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
Wow…hope all goes ok, hopefully a quick recovery.told my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
Hope he gets better real soontold my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
Hope & pray your Dad has a quick recovery.told my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
The gumbo came out great now waiting for the colon battle later on.Wife is making her version of cajun gumbo, sausage & chicken. Smoke from browning the rue(sp) is causing my eyes to water.
I hear ya, I have Crohns.The gumbo came out great now waiting for the colon battle later on.
The gumbo came out great now waiting for the colon battle later on.
Most likely a TIA -trancient stroke. Not a stroke that leaves major symptoms but a "passing" stroke which may never happen again or could lead to larger ones. Most likely they will monitor for INR-blood clot factor in the blood to keep it thin enough. I have had several clots in heart & lungs and check my blood with a machine like a diatetes one and have medication adjusted. Ask about it. Also ask about having his Vitamin K and D checked.Also asked about concussion. Don't be afraid to "talk back" to Dr. ASK QUESTIONS. Blessings.told my dealer NO on trading in my 22 for a 24 f250
cooked bacon up for the week
dad fell this weekend, they put him in ICU for a brain bleed, did MMA this morning after 3rd cat scan showed bleed had slowed but not stopped
he hit his head saturday morning getting out of bed, wheel chair must have moved or ???
so he fell on side that is missing the lower leg and smacked a night stand
now he is hallucinating and in pain in his head and threw up.
yelled at me on the phone, so i know he is feeling like doo doo
looking forward to 2024 being over
I hate work, it makes me miss stuff. Hoping for the best for your dad!thank you ALL for the well wishes
update, they doing a brain mri tonight, now the nuero guy thinks he had a partial stroke on saturday that caused the fall.
i dont know...he was very coherent sat when i looked at the skin where he busted it open... like every other day. knew exactly when and where he was and this was less than 2 hrs after he fell
thanks for the support
in fact we did just that, doctor was good explaining, but dad is contradicting the expected outcomesMost likely a TIA -trancient stroke. Not a stroke that leaves major symptoms but a "passing" stroke which may never happen again or could lead to larger ones. Most likely they will monitor for INR-blood clot factor in the blood to keep it thin enough. I have had several clots in heart & lungs and check my blood with a machine like a diatetes one and have medication adjusted. Ask about it. Also ask about having his Vitamin K and D checked.Also asked about concussion. Don't be afraid to "talk back" to Dr. ASK QUESTIONS. Blessings.
i have to be funny