
What are you doing right now??

Just seen this at the dollar store. Pedal power. Dude was ever bit of 6 foot tall and headed to work

Basically goulash. It works. Hamburger, stewed tomatoes, onion, green peppers and spices. I’m perfecting the spices, and it works. We have it for dinner and he takes the leftovers on the road. Oh, almost forgot the elbow macaroni. 😊
That sounds good. Sounds like something my wife would make. She has a few “Specialty “ dishes like this. My personal favorite is her bacon spaghetti which I will be taking the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. It’s not actually bacon it’s Turkey bacon. She did try it with bacon but it’s much better with Turkey bacon. It’s spaghetti noodles, Turkey bacon, olive oil, crushed red pepper, canned tomatoes and other spices. It’s very good.
That sounds good. Sounds like something my wife would make. She has a few “Specialty “ dishes like this. My personal favorite is her bacon spaghetti which I will be taking the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. It’s not actually bacon it’s Turkey bacon. She did try it with bacon but it’s much better with Turkey bacon. It’s spaghetti noodles, Turkey bacon, olive oil, crushed red pepper, canned tomatoes and other spices. It’s very good.
I need to send you the Nieman Marcus turkey meatloaf recipe.
Five star greatness ..