
What are you doing right now??

I'm up, I'm up....barely. I need to feed the husband and get to the clinic here in my little town. I'm running a fever. Time to kick this bug in the ever-loving butt. :rolleyes::(
i hate warm(er) weather colds, or flu...

you get warm due to the nice weather, and you sweat due to the illness.

take what ever meds the doctor gives you...

meds are good

i like meds.

i like some of the side effects of meds.
Tree is done, had to declare war on a 1000's of carpenter ants. i poisoned their butts. got the truck loaded and all piled up in the back yard to burn later.





I used to have an LB76. Awesome bass. I ended up selling it for more than I paid for it.

My second favorite guitar is my ‘99 Carvin TL60. Best neck/action of any guitar I’ve ever played. Including vintage Les Paul’s.

Yeah, the Carvin/Kiesel brands are great bang-for-your-buck instruments. The fit and finish are really nice, like custom work at factory prices. I get many compliments on the Koa wood.

You've been working so much, I hope you still get a chance to play once in a while.

Thank you for your indulgence,


Trying to mentally prepare for my 18yr old daughter to make her way into the world solo. She's moving to Ohio with her boyfriend (who we adore). It help's that he is going to be there but the ol' empty nest is pulling at my heart strings.

Wishing them well. Yes, life is different without kids in the house. I'm still not really used to it.

Thank you for your indulgence,
