
What are you doing right now??

Trying to mentally prepare for my 18yr old daughter to make her way into the world solo. She's moving to Ohio with her boyfriend (who we adore). It help's that he is going to be there but the ol' empty nest is pulling at my heart strings.

Wishing them well. Yes, life is different without kids in the house. I'm still not really used to it.

Thank you for your indulgence,

I’m almost there
Daughter is off to Australia in July
Son is off to U of Ark as well for first year of college. (Following in his sisters footsteps)

Life will be different.
2 in college mean no fun toys 😬😩😩
I just got back from Belton . Had to be retested to see if there was any change in my hearing in either ear. Right now I only have a hearing aid in my left ear but the right is very close to needing one.

Wear those hearing protection devices every time you shoot. I can't tell you how many thousands of .22LR I have shot without hearing protection , plus every shotgun shell I fired.
Trying to mentally prepare for my 18yr old daughter to make her way into the world solo. She's moving to Ohio with her boyfriend (who we adore). It help's that he is going to be there but the ol' empty nest is pulling at my heart strings.

Hope all goes well with there move….

I hope everyone is having a good evening. More storms coming here tomorrow, warnings of hail, high winds, possibly a tornado or two. At least I got my vacuuming done. Anyone care for a game of Carpet Backgammon?


Looks like I won't be able to mow until later in the week. That means range time on Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh darn. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


I hope everyone is having a good evening. More storms coming here tomorrow, warnings of hail, high winds, possibly a tornado or two. At least I got my vacuuming done. Anyone care for a game of Carpet Backgammon?

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Looks like I won't be able to mow until later in the week. That means range time on Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh darn. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Everyone in my neighborhood is out mowing tonight because it's supposed to rain for the next three days here. We have an awesome neighbor across the street who is mowing ours as we speak. All he wants is beer, so I set a cooler out for him. :)