
What are you doing right now??


I'm glad everyone enjoyed their Sunday. Mine started at 5:30am. I played two services at church then drove an hour to play a gig for a great senior group. The preacher didn't go over so I made to my gig on time. ;)

If you like, here's the worship service. All three songs are right up front. It was a good set, a joyful noise!

My gig went well. Then I came home and helped Mrs. BassCliff with her little project in the front flower bed. Afterwards she prepared me a nice steak supper. Life is good, and the next one will be perfect. :)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Finished sprucing up the house since the Wife left on a vacay with my niece last Friday. She's due back late tomorrow. Finally relaxing watching Silverado and drinking coffee. All of a sudden I have an urge to shop and look for a lever action .38\357 rifle and a single action revolver...
Contemplating dinner while sipping one of these…