
What are you doing right now??


Just watched this.

I'm a sci-fi enthusiast of all sorts, space travel, time travel, aliens, robot wars, etc. I enjoyed the movie but it felt a little heavy on the "AI is good" message, trying too hard to peach that artificial intelligence would be totally beneficial and a totally benign, controllable, anthropomorphic companion for society. Hopefully the developers have read about Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics".

Thank you for your indulgence,


I just finished my update on the USCCA thread. I hope there's some helpful information for you. Again, be sure to choose the right coverage for you, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)

Link here: https://www.thearmorylife.com/forum/threads/uscca-affiliation.18392/post-307001

You won't have to put up with me for a while. On Friday Mrs. BassCliff and I are leaving for our Alaskan cruise. I'll be smoking cigars with Sebastian Gorka and running across glaciers.

Thank you for your indulgence,


I just finished my update on the USCCA thread. I hope there's some helpful information for you. Again, be sure to choose the right coverage for you, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)

Link here: https://www.thearmorylife.com/forum/threads/uscca-affiliation.18392/post-307001

You won't have to put up with me for a while. On Friday Mrs. BassCliff and I are leaving for our Alaskan cruise. I'll be smoking cigars with Sebastian Gorka and running across glaciers.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Enjoy your trip. I was stationed there and the state is beautiful!

I just finished my update on the USCCA thread. I hope there's some helpful information for you. Again, be sure to choose the right coverage for you, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)

Link here: https://www.thearmorylife.com/forum/threads/uscca-affiliation.18392/post-307001

You won't have to put up with me for a while. On Friday Mrs. BassCliff and I are leaving for our Alaskan cruise. I'll be smoking cigars with Sebastian Gorka and running across glaciers.

Thank you for your indulgence,

My sister just did an Alaskan cruise a month or so ago. She had a great time.
Enjoy your vacation Cliff. 😊

I'm a sci-fi enthusiast of all sorts, space travel, time travel, aliens, robot wars, etc. I enjoyed the movie but it felt a little heavy on the "AI is good" message, trying too hard to peach that artificial intelligence would be totally beneficial and a totally benign, controllable, anthropomorphic companion for society. Hopefully the developers have read about Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics".

Thank you for your indulgence,

I haven't seen it, but checked it out on IMDB. I don't know what Mark Strong's screen time was, but I think he is one of the best these days. He needs to get higher billing IMO.

I haven't seen it, but checked it out on IMDB. I don't know what Mark Strong's screen time was, but I think he is one of the best these days. He needs to get higher billing IMO.

He did not have a lot of screen time. His part was a fairly stereotypical General in charge, calling the shots, and running interference for the misunderstood heroine. Definitely underutilized.

Thank you for your indulgence,

i'm waiting for Verizon to call me..

the recording said they will call between 10:30 and 11 today..

i'll bet i missed doing my errands to wait for them, and they call just seconds before 11.......

they take our money, but customer service really does suck at a lot of companies.

oh well.......

He did not have a lot of screen time. His part was a fairly stereotypical General in charge, calling the shots, and running interference for the misunderstood heroine. Definitely underutilized.

Thank you for your indulgence,

I recommend the movie 6 Days, which is about the seizure of the Iranian embassy in London in 1980. Mark Strong plays a conflicted British gov't. official trying to peacefully deal with the situation before the SAS goes in. Good performance IMO.

I just finished my update on the USCCA thread. I hope there's some helpful information for you. Again, be sure to choose the right coverage for you, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)

Link here: https://www.thearmorylife.com/forum/threads/uscca-affiliation.18392/post-307001

You won't have to put up with me for a while. On Friday Mrs. BassCliff and I are leaving for our Alaskan cruise. I'll be smoking cigars with Sebastian Gorka and running across glaciers.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Have a safe and great trip sir! Take care and enjoy yourselves!

the gal at verizon called me at 10:33......!!!

it did take some time to go over the process...

i thought i was only going to get 1 receiver set top box, apparently, i am getting 2, one for the other tv the wife watches.

mine is a dvr recorder, the wife's isn't...she stays up late, i fall asleep 3 minutes when i sit into the recliner.

they should be here by saturday...

as soon as i was done, i had to jet off to the bank, before the lunch crowd gets there, with only 1 teller.....

having lunch now, gonna be nap time by 12:30
Just finished breakfast when the wife said an ant ran across her plate. I'll be spreading ant bait after getting dressed. Those bitty ones invade looking for food and water and need to be dealt with quickly or you see invading hordes marching in lines inside. I usually spread it around every month or so in the summer to control them.


the gal at verizon called me at 10:33......!!!

it did take some time to go over the process...

i thought i was only going to get 1 receiver set top box, apparently, i am getting 2, one for the other tv the wife watches.

mine is a dvr recorder, the wife's isn't...she stays up late, i fall asleep 3 minutes when i sit into the recliner.

they should be here by saturday...

as soon as i was done, i had to jet off to the bank, before the lunch crowd gets there, with only 1 teller.....

having lunch now, gonna be nap time by 12:30

So, it sounds like your day is working out just fine. Excellent. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

Just finished breakfast when the wife said an ant ran across her plate. I'll be spreading ant bait after getting dressed. Those bitty ones invade looking for food and water and need to be dealt with quickly or you see invading hordes marching in lines inside. I usually spread it around every month or so in the summer to control them.
my late dad and my uncle, used to boil water in old fashion percolator coffee pots, then go around the perimeter of the foundation, and pour that scalding water down the ant holes.

i don't know if diazinon was available back in those days, but they just wanted a super quick way to the ants death.

i use what ever ant killing crap is "like" diazinon
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At this very moment it sounds like the roofing crew is gonna come through and land on my floor. We had a nasty hail storm last fall and most of the houses in our neighborhood had significant roof and siding damage.

There are two crews out today…one here and another across the street. I think we are like the last ones on our street getting the roof job. Siding contractors have been all over the town as well. Our siding has to be completely replaced as they don’t make our siding anymore. That’s coming in August.
At this very moment it sounds like the roofing crew is gonna come through and land on my floor. We had a nasty hail storm last fall and most of the houses in our neighborhood had significant roof and siding damage.

There are two crews out today…one here and another across the street. I think we are like the last ones on our street getting the roof job. Siding contractors have been all over the town as well. Our siding has to be completely replaced as they don’t make our siding anymore. That’s coming in August.
Are they all, eh, Latinos?