
What are you doing right now??

I'm debating with myself to join USCCA. Any advice would be appreciated.
i know others have said there are others/better than USCCA.

but i have been with them now 3 years, in fact, they just automatically renewed my membership.

like homeowners, and car insurance, you hope you don't need it, but at least you got it.

i know others will recommend some other company.
I also have been a member for a few years. What attracted me was the training. It is very basic, but I think for the majority it needs to be. As I have been growing in this community, I am always learning and my views and opinions change and grow. I am comfortable with it for now. There may come a time when I feel I don't need it anymore. The choice is purely subjective.



Same here. Plus I know my lawyer and he is a complete bastard. He also used to be a county prosecutor.

I’d rather have a firearms attorney in my state represent me that I have already on retainer as a client than the fine print from USCCA

USCCA job is to sell insurance. No diff than any other insurance.

My .02 cents
I don’t know many lawyers, and that’s why I opted to go with this for now. I have not had my skin crawl in these parts yet, but you never know.
I’m learning all the time.