
What are you doing right now??

Sitting on the back deck drinking coffee and watching the squirrels and birds fight over the bread and peanuts I threw out. Wife away for a day and night with her girlfriends while I relax and heal up. Perhaps later I'll go through my equipment bag that was thrown off of the passenger seat of my patrol car in the accident and check things since the contents were all over the floor of the car and my partners just threw its contents back in.
the ups gal, drove by me....actually drove by me, as i stood on the front sidewalk.......2 TIMES....!!!!!!

going in both directions.

like WTF...my address is clearly visible to any delivery driver.....as well as ME waving at her...!!!!

she must have thought i liked delivery trucks.......which I DO when they DELIVER to my house..!!!!

anyway, after i shut down about 6:25 last night, she finally arrived at 7:10, and that was AFTER she drove past me that second time, parked the truck around the corner, and walked to my house.

she said she saw me and knew she thought for sure she had a package for me...duh......

i didn't say anything about the lateness, i could see she was tired.

well, i had to set them up this morning.

i have a "sound bar" on one of our tv's, and the new remote doesn't work it, so i might have to use the old one for now, just for sound adjustments. i'll keep trying to find a work-a-round.

everything is smaller too, the control boxes as well as the remotes.....

then pack up the old units (large mofo's), slap the label on it, and most likely tuesday take to a ups pickup/drop point.
Getting ready to go to the range with my step daughter to retrain her how to shoot a pistol. I taught her how to shoot shotguns and rifles but she didn't have any interest in handguns at the time. I didn't push the issue either. Now , these many years later , she wants to learn and I am happy to teach her. (y)
the ups gal, drove by me....actually drove by me, as i stood on the front sidewalk.......2 TIMES....!!!!!!

going in both directions.

like WTF...my address is clearly visible to any delivery driver.....as well as ME waving at her...!!!!

she must have thought i liked delivery trucks.......which I DO when they DELIVER to my house..!!!!

anyway, after i shut down about 6:25 last night, she finally arrived at 7:10, and that was AFTER she drove past me that second time, parked the truck around the corner, and walked to my house.

she said she saw me and knew she thought for sure she had a package for me...duh......

i didn't say anything about the lateness, i could see she was tired.

well, i had to set them up this morning.

i have a "sound bar" on one of our tv's, and the new remote doesn't work it, so i might have to use the old one for now, just for sound adjustments. i'll keep trying to find a work-a-round.

everything is smaller too, the control boxes as well as the remotes.....

then pack up the old units (large mofo's), slap the label on it, and most likely tuesday take to a ups pickup/drop point.
YouTube is useful for electronic "fixes." Sometimes the Internet is too from various techie (? sp.) sites. If you still have operating manuals (you can also get them online if not) can sometimes provide useful bits that may or not be easy to find. Good luck.
Just finished breakfast and will shower shortly. The wife and a friend will bowl to see who is better after not doing so for a long, long time. I'll drink beer since I have issues with a bum leg and recently screwed up my "strong" hand.
Tomorrow I'll have quarts of blood drawn for my oncologist to review and go to the dentist because of a lost filling.
I forgot to say we saw the new Costner movie Friday and enjoyed it (though long and 1 of 3 parts).
YouTube is useful for electronic "fixes." Sometimes the Internet is too from various techie (? sp.) sites. If you still have operating manuals (you can also get them online if not) can sometimes provide useful bits that may or not be easy to find. Good luck.
yeah, the sound bar comes with a fiber-optic line, which goes directly into the tv set, and the sound bar.

both the old and new verizon receivers have that same port, but i never had to plug into it as that's what was not in the sound bars instructions.

i may have to reset the remote, to default, and start over.

no biggie, after my kidney stone blasting tomorrow, i'll have time to sit and fiddle with it.
Got up early before the rain got here and mowed 2 acres, then brushcutted it. i was soaked. was 97 and very humid. came in and fixed lunch and cooled off a bit. then went a worked on a project i been trying to find for a while. electrical problems are a pain. rhe outside lights don't work and i have tore this thing apart looking for the problem. checked the connection going to it. voltage reads right. guess it wasn't getting enough watts. maybe a bad connection. finally found it in the headlight brackett and bingo. it works.

Mrs Greener and I just got back from seeing Kevin Costner's movie Horizon Chapter 1 in the theater. It was typical Costner with stunning vistas and photography and violent action. Lots of shooting and arrows and scalping-I am thrilled that somebody is making Westerns. It is long, nearly 3 hours, and so much is going on I will have to watch it 3 times to absorb it all. Chapter 1 leaves lots of questions but it is setting the stage for Chapter 2 that comes in August. If you are a Western or Costner fan it is worth the time. But all in all I would prefer to watch it at home from my recliner. I will buy the movies when they come out on streaming services.
How's it going with the Mantis? I'm dry firing right now with my Sig 229. Got to do a lot more especially with the double action practice.
I’m doing well. I missed a couple of days cuz life got a little nuts, and it showed. But I’m finding that it helps a lot. I use MantisX3 with the VP9s, and I use Laser Academy with the little Masada. I can usually go for about half and hour, maybe 40 minutes, then my arms get tired and my scores shrink.
I’m doing well. I missed a couple of days cuz life got a little nuts, and it showed. But I’m finding that it helps a lot. I use MantisX3 with the VP9s, and I use Laser Academy with the little Masada. I can usually go for about half and hour, maybe 40 minutes, then my arms get tired and my scores shrink.
I'm good for about an hour or so don't practice everyday, need too though.
Having thunderstorms going thru the area and trying to keep the dog from going crazy! Have tried everything known to man to help her. I guess we will take her for a long drive 4th of july evening until all the fireworks are done.
About a year ago we had a stray dog come out of the woods and for me it was love at first sight. He's a red Australian Keltie and we have no idea how long he was out there. He is the same as your dog during thunderstorms. He doesn't go crazy, but finds the nearest secluded areas of the house, like a closet, and rides out the storm. Can't cajole or talk him out of it, so we just let him curl up in his bunker. He has turned out to be one of the best dogs we've ever had.
About a year ago we had a stray dog come out of the woods and for me it was love at first sight. He's a red Australian Keltie and we have no idea how long he was out there. He is the same as your dog during thunderstorms. He doesn't go crazy, but finds the nearest secluded areas of the house, like a closet, and rides out the storm. Can't cajole or talk him out of it, so we just let him curl up in his bunker. He has turned out to be one of the best dogs we've ever had.
Good for you. We have five dogs four of them are rescue babies.
Maggie paces all over. If you put her in her cage she goes nuts. Have tried meds from vet but none have helped. I have also used CBD chews and do help a little but only last for 4 hours max. I didn't know we were going to get storms and once I gave her the chews it took a while for them to take affect. Right now she is lying in the hallway by the air conditioner vent and has calmed down.