
What are you doing right now??

Maggie paces all over. If you put her in her cage she goes nuts. Have tried meds from vet but none have helped. I have also used CBD chews and do help a little but only last for 4 hours max. I didn't know we were going to get storms and once I gave her the chews it took a while for them to take affect. Right now she is lying in the hallway by the air conditioner vent and has calmed down.
Our Beagle is named Maggie Marie she's a very sweet girl as I'm sure your Maggie is.
Drinking coffee, spit shining a brand new pair of combat boots for my eventual return to work (hopefully) and watching Platoon...
Heal fast brother


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About a year ago we had a stray dog come out of the woods and for me it was love at first sight. He's a red Australian Keltie and we have no idea how long he was out there. He is the same as your dog during thunderstorms. He doesn't go crazy, but finds the nearest secluded areas of the house, like a closet, and rides out the storm. Can't cajole or talk him out of it, so we just let him curl up in his bunker. He has turned out to be one of the best dogs we've ever had.
No dog more loyal than one who chooses you
Having thunderstorms going thru the area and trying to keep the dog from going crazy! Have tried everything known to man to help her. I guess we will take her for a long drive 4th of july evening until all the fireworks are done.
My dogs have always been desensitized to gunfire, but I did have one lab who didn't mind gunfire or fireworks but was terrified of thunder. We think the low frequency vibrations are what scared him. A dog trainer friend swears by thundershirts for your dog, and playing classical music to calm them.
Having lunch. Not much has changed here…still short staffed. 🙄
i just applied for a job online at a large company...

most likely, will be turned down again

tough to be retired, wanna work, but no one hires you, or even looks at you to see that you can stand, sit, breathe...

nothing big for a job, what i want, custodial......

something to earn a few dollars.....

and you wonder why you're short staffed.>??

many employers DO NOT want elder people.

betcha many want to work where you are

i was just "fiddlin' with the new Verizon remote control, as i was watching the local news

all i ended up doing was reprogramming it...but trying to find what you want to do in thier menu sucks rotten eggs in Denmark

sound bar works, and 2 clicks on the remote shuts it all down.

glad that's over with.

now i can put away the sound bar remote, and the older Verizon remote, the tv remote, and feed my fish...
My dogs have always been desensitized to gunfire, but I did have one lab who didn't mind gunfire or fireworks but was terrified of thunder. We think the low frequency vibrations are what scared him. A dog trainer friend swears by thundershirts for your dog, and playing classical music to calm them.
Have the thunder shirt , was playing her calmdown cd but nothing helped. Finally after about 1.5 hours the CBD chews took effect and she fell a sleep.