
What are you doing right now??

Random Pic o' the Day

Random Pic O' the Day... What / Where?
I am sitting here looking out my front room window at a rotten tree that fell last night. I am in a corner apartment and the tree fell SouthWest direction. If it had fallen due South it would have taken out my apartment. One of the smaller limbs is on my patio.

It happened at 8:30 last night.
I have the day off today and looking forward to the rest of the weekend. Slept in until 3:45 am. I know, I know...what a lazy bum! Enjoying my weekend coffee. I don't drink coffee during the work week because I mainly work outside in the South Texas heat, and coffee dehydrates me too much. Listening to my German Shepards, Aunt Bee & Opie snore. Gonna make a trip into town to get a haircut. Hope I didn't excite you all too much with my day so far!