
When it comes down to it, what is your "go to" EDC?

Big arms.
Small Richard
Any idiot with steroids and dumb bells can be ripped like that. Don’t make them a man. Don’t make them tough either. In fact the vast majority of those guys in my high school were pretty easy to kick the crap out of. They skated by, scaring little, eh, kitties, and never actually having to fight. Whereas guys like me were gettin’ down since grade school.

I do like his meme with the little girl in the back seat though.
Any idiot with steroids and dumb bells can be ripped like that. Don’t make them a man. Don’t make them tough either. In fact the vast majority of those guys in my high school were pretty easy to kick the crap out of. They skated by, scaring little, eh, kitties, and never actually having to fight. Whereas guys like me were gettin’ down since grade school.

I do like his meme with the little girl in the back seat though.
You do know he wrestled in the WWE for many years…….was champion also….
You do know he wrestled in the WWE for many years…….was champion also….
papa, he wrestled before the WWE in the WCW I think, maybe it was one of the series, and was champ in that series as well. Another little note is his dad was "Rocky Johnson" from back in the days when Pro Wrestling still had a mystique of being a real sport ... and Rocky was for real!!! You probably remember him.

Most of these guys are real athletes, super tough, and great performers, but when it all became entertainment according to Vince McMahon, my interest went away for the most part. And I was a great fan back to the days of Lou Thez, Great Malinko, Bob Ellis, and those guys, even up through Eddie Graham, Sgt Slaughter, Shiek, etc.

Man, it really changed, and not for the better over the past 40-50 years. What do you think?
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Yep. I also know that wrestling is fake.

That said, I know nothing about the guy other than he is liberal. He might be the toughest SOB around for all I know.
It was all tongue in cheek Anni.
Yes, I don’t trust any Hollywood actor when it comes to politics, if there a good actor you know they can/will fake there position on politics…..I’m with you on this one, was just pointing the wrestling crap….😬
These are my latest carry guns. Some days one of the nines go in the belt. Some days one of the J’s go in the belt. Every day a J-Frame is in my pocket.