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  1. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Ronin Aftermarket Night Sights

    Are you saying that the current production SA 1911 pistols (including the Ronin and the Garrison models) are, indeed, the .330 Novak cut rather than the .340 cut which SA has traditionally used? I hope that's the case. It would sure simplify things!
  2. Hurryin' Hoosier

    First Look! New Springfield Ronin

    It would be considered same-same Colt Series 70 inasmuch as it has no firing pin block. Note, though, that the real Series 70 both lacked a firing pin block and also had a collet barrel bushing. What we now call a "Series 70" would more correctly be called a "Pre-Series"
  3. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Tons of vintage military arms

    I spent two years over there and they never said a damn word to me about this! :sneaky:
  4. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    Now I'm more confused. I thought Novak was .330 and the SA cut was .340. Is that not always the case, maybe?
  5. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    NOW we're gettin' some place! Thank you!
  6. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    Sorry. I just got up off the floor. 😱
  7. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    Just for grins (assuming that I break down and buy a caliper), what are you meaning by width? Front-to-rear at the top of the cut or front-to-rear at the bottom of the cut? Do you know, off hand, which one SA uses on their 1911s?
  8. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    Roger that. All these outfits say to measure them with calipers. Hell, I don't have any calipers! 🤪
  9. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Front Sight for 1911 Garrison

    I want to put a fiber optic front sight on my SA 1911 Garrison. I understand that it has a proprietary SA cut (rather than Novak) but don't know what height I should get. Also, how big a deal is it to push out the old sight and push in a new one? Best to use Loctite?
  10. Hurryin' Hoosier

    No more Springfield National Match M1A's

    It might also be that the guy was blowing smoke up your skirt.
  11. Hurryin' Hoosier

    A "Loaded" Question If There Ever Was One

    Durn. A gun aficionado and philosopher, to boot! (Thanks, T.W. ;) )
  12. Hurryin' Hoosier

    A "Loaded" Question If There Ever Was One

    Two pieces of wise advice I imagine. I know that buying a new car its first year is good to avoid.
  13. Hurryin' Hoosier

    A "Loaded" Question If There Ever Was One

    This is going to be well within the realm of hypothetical, because I'm afraid the odds of finding an SA-35 within the next year are going to be slim and none. Be that as it may, how much sense might it make to trade a very slightly used CZ 75B Retro for a new SA-35? There's not a &@!* thing...
  14. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Colt Commander or CZ 75B Retro?

    Wellll, I don't hunt. I'm not a LEO. My "carry" gun is a .38 Special snubbie (in a Robert Mika pocket holster), and I've just about quit robbing liquor stores. I try to go to the range once a week. So I guess mine are "range guns", yes.
  15. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Colt Commander or CZ 75B Retro?

    Do you think the QC on current-production Colts (assuming that you can find one) has fallen pretty badly?
  16. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Colt Commander or CZ 75B Retro?

    One thing which may affect my decision is that I have always been a great admirer of the 1911 platform. I marvel at how JMB dreamed up a little machine which is so efficient and, yet, so simple. I think it's probably the only platform which I really understand and am not leery of taking apart...
  17. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Colt Commander or CZ 75B Retro?

    Thanks, guys!
  18. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Colt Commander or CZ 75B Retro?

    Odd question for an SA forum, I know, but which would you rather have strictly for range use - a Colt Combat Commander 9mm or a CZ 75B retro?
  19. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Springfield Armory Garrison 1911 Review

    I believe I'll leave the Novak rear sight on mine and try to avoid combat. 😜
  20. Hurryin' Hoosier

    Unbelievable Sadness

    Bad deal for our neighbors to the south. :cry: