
Consealed VS Open Carry & Constitutional Carry

I have a Carry Permit here in Georgia. I’m on my 4th due to the requirement to reapply every 5 years. Never had to take a training class. We now have Constitutional Carry. I choose to continue to get me Carry Permit. This is for 2 reasons. One is out of state travel and reciprocity. The other is because the Carry Permit serves as the BGC when purchasing a firearm. I don’t have to worry about waiting for BGC to come through. FFL makes a copy of my DL and Carry Permit. I fill out the 4473 and leave with my property. Makes life much easier.
There’s plenty of things you can label me as, but irrational would be the last thing on my list. I know enough about people and what complete idiots they can be. I’m sure we all agree that everyone on the road is a complete jackwagon, except for themselves. How is this a special case? I’m
not giving them a pass because they enjoy living the 2A life. Owning a gun doesn’t mean one is no longer a douche nozzle
I say irrational because although many states have had CC for a long time ( Missouri has had it since 2017) there has been no "Wild, wild west" scenarios as the left predicted and there has been no appreciable uptick in accidental shootings or any of the other stuff that clearly worries you guys. That is pretty much the definition of irrational, no ?
I have a Carry Permit here in Georgia. I’m on my 4th due to the requirement to reapply every 5 years. Never had to take a training class. We now have Constitutional Carry. I choose to continue to get me Carry Permit. This is for 2 reasons. One is out of state travel and reciprocity. The other is because the Carry Permit serves as the BGC when purchasing a firearm. I don’t have to worry about waiting for BGC to come through. FFL makes a copy of my DL and Carry Permit. I fill out the 4473 and leave with my property. Makes life much easier.
I do exactly as you and I think that route makes great sense. We have the same setup as Georgia and have reciprocity with several states. I could be mistaken but I don't think constitutional carry has the benefits.
I do exactly as you and I think that route makes great sense. We have the same setup as Georgia and have reciprocity with several states. I could be mistaken but I don't think constitutional carry has the benefits.
Reciprocation ? Of course not. But in other CC states it's unnecessary. The BGC thing is cool. If your state does that. Mine don't. Most don't. It's definitely one of the several legitimate reasons to continue giving them your money in exchange for permission to carry.
Come on man, what fears do I have?
You want me to go back and multi quote your last 5 posts or so ? Untrained people carrying guns, blah, blah, blah.

You know, and I say this as a guy who has many, many hours of formal training, it seems to me that guys who like to train and go to formal training classes are pretty much the only 2A supporters expressing these fears. Strange that.
You want me to go back and multi quote your last 5 posts or so ? Untrained people carrying guns, blah, blah, blah.

You know, and I say this as a guy who has many, many hours of formal training, it seems to me that guys who like to train and go to formal training classes are pretty much the only 2A supporters expressing these fears. Strange that.
I too have had formal training, 12 years as a peace officer, 15 years in the military. I don't think anyone needs to be told to have training for anything they want to do. I simply believe training in any given endeavor makes that person just better at that endeavor. If that doesn't make sense to you we are at an impasse.
I too have had formal training, 12 years as a peace officer, 15 years in the military. I don't think anyone needs to be told to have training for anything they want to do. I simply believe training in any given endeavor makes that person just better at that endeavor. If that doesn't make sense to you we are at an impasse.
It makes perfect sense to me and it's why I train hard and often. In fact I am better trained than no small number of cops I know and count as friends. Where we are at an impasse is that you seem to think it should be mandatory for a person to exercise their god given, constitutionally protected rights. I disagree.
It makes perfect sense to me and it's why I train hard and often. In fact I am better trained than no small number of cops I know and count as friends. Where we are at an impasse is that you seem to think it should be mandatory for a person to exercise their god given, constitutionally protected rights. I disagree.
Constitutional carry gives those rights. What else can I say, constitutional carry is not mandatory, nor is paying for state issued carry permits
Conceal ! always Conceal


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" I believe in constitutional carry but I do worry about people carrying that may or may not have very much or not any training. The license to carry permits at least show some knowledge of firearms. "

I will say you don't appear to be pleading for mandatory training as some here do. I'll concede that. Nevertheless, the fact is the vast majority of the people that want to or choose to carry a gun are the same people who are also inclined to train. And let's face it, other than actual shooting fundamentals ( i.e being able to shoot accurately) and the understanding that you should not pull a gun unless your life or someone else's life is in danger, what else is it you think is going to make "Joe normal" less dangerous ?
I say irrational because although many states have had CC for a long time ( Missouri has had it since 2017) there has been no "Wild, wild west" scenarios as the left predicted and there has been no appreciable uptick in accidental shootings or any of the other stuff that clearly worries you guys. That is pretty much the definition of irrational, no ?
Expecting F-ups to be f-ups is not irrational. I never said I expect people to run rampant, I said in a SHTF scenario I don’t want some Jim Bob who got all his training from John Wick films waiving his piece around, particularly if I’m waiving mine around. I.
" I believe in constitutional carry but I do worry about people carrying that may or may not have very much or not any training. The license to carry permits at least show some knowledge of firearms. "

I will say you don't appear to be pleading for mandatory training as some here do. I'll concede that. Nevertheless, the fact is the vast majority of the people that want to or choose to carry a gun are the same people who are also inclined to train. And let's face it, other than actual shooting fundamentals ( i.e being able to shoot accurately) and the understanding that you should not pull a gun unless your life or someone else's life is in danger, what else is it you think is going to make "Joe normal" less dangerous ?
I don't go around worrying some idiot shooting me or others. I do stay vigilant when I'm out and about, keep a close eye on my surroundings and activities occurring around me. If bad stuff happens you're on defense from the get go. I often train for what if situations, try my best to stay as calm as possible, if sh-- hits the fan. I would truly like to think people are good, but in this crazy world we live in, a lot are not good at all, Old adage, bad things happen to good people. I'd be willing to bet a lot of gun carry folks just think I've got a gun, I can take care of myself and my loved ones. The reality is that guy will be very lucky if it goes down like that. Or he can hope the bad guys are dumber than he is. Nuff said.