John Marszalek
Good evening. I'm new here. I am a proud owner of a taurus g3c. Great gun, however today I went down a rabbit hole for most of day trying to fix a mistake i made which started by me trying to hide a scratch on my g3c slide. Ended up causing more damage. Long story short I made it worse by messing with it. I had to sand down the top of my g3c slide to fix my stupidity. It now looks more gun finish then the black. It does not look bad but I'm pissed of course. Will I still have the tenifer protection underneath? Also I know the slide is steel. Can i use casey Birchwood as it says won't work on stainless steel? I am hoping I can improve what i have and not spend money on new slide. Not sure if anyone had a similar issue and if so do you have advice? Trying not to take in the pistol. This could be more my ocd then anything but hate to see imperfections especially ones that I made worse.