

Who do you stand with❓

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Every time a war starts. Everyone says, "Nuke Em" "Carpet Bomb" them.Ive seen a lot of war. And you know what. In the end. Its always the grunt on the ground that goes in and does the job.They bombed Iwo Jima in WW2 "forever" ask my Marines how many we lost. It's always that way.This will be no different.Ask our grunts who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I totally agree. I was blessed to have been trained by a few Vietnam Vets when I joined the Marine Corps in 1976 after Vietnam. And the stories they shared about dealing with some of the stuff they did in Vietnam are not for the faint of heart. Their experiences helped me and my fellow young grunts be better Marines.

I have known a few IDF members over the years, even worked as a bodyguard with one. They seemed pretty sharp and well trained.

Hamas started something they're going to regret because the sleeping giant has been awakened. I feel bad for the civilians caught in the crossfire but as others have said, there's a price civilians pay in these types of conflicts.
You have specific examples in mind ? Seems like you're trying to make a point.
Scroll up 3 post is where I stand. I know we all have been lied to for a very long time.

As far as anyone else is concerned, they have to take the blue pill or the red pill. Each must make their own decision.
I totally agree. I was blessed to have been trained by a few Vietnam Vets when I joined the Marine Corps in 1976 after Vietnam. And the stories they shared about dealing with some of the stuff they did in Vietnam are not for the faint of heart. Their experiences helped me and my fellow young grunts be better Marines.

I have known a few IDF members over the years, even worked as a bodyguard with one. They seemed pretty sharp and well trained.

Hamas started something they're going to regret because the sleeping giant has been awakened. I feel bad for the civilians caught in the crossfire but as others have said, there's a price civilians pay in these types of conflicts.

And frankly these civilians have had at least since 2007 to try to untangle themselves from Hamas. 20k militants holding 2.2 million people hostage against their will ? I don't know about that. All the usual MSM outlets keep blathering on about how Israel has blockaded Gaza and calling it an open air prison. The fact is the only thing Israel has done is closed and reinforced the border between Gaza and Israel. Since when are they under any obligation to allow ANYONE into their country ? And since when are they under any obligation to supply Gaza with anything, specifically water and electricity. I don't see any of these arab countries who purport to support Palestinians letting them come into their countries or attempting to supply them with anything.

Fun facts:

Gaza used to have the means to make it's own clean water. Hamas repurposed the plumbing and infrastructure to make a facility that builds rockets.

Gaza used to have the capacity to generate all it's own electricity. Hamas " Accidentally" destroyed the plant and used the money given to "Palestine" by Israel and the US to repair it to build fortified tunnels. In fact all the aid money that has gone to Gaza since 2007 has been taken by Hamas and used to fund terrorism.
Scroll up 3 post is where I stand. I know we all have been lied to for a very long time.

As far as anyone else is concerned, they have to take the blue pill or the red pill. Each must make their own decision.
I agree to a point. I have said since the beginning that Ukraine is only very slightly less corrupt than Russia. Which is a fact. Ukraine is a money laundering operation, period. They are selling weapons given to them by the US to terrorists, including Hamas. The entire Ukraine conflict can be blamed on the west. On what planet does anyone think it was a good idea for western countries to entertain the notion of Ukraine joining NATO ? That's ridiculous and there is no way in hell Russia would ever let that happen any more than we would allow Russia to annex Mexico. It's really more analogous to Russia forming alliances with the Lakota and then working against the interests of the US government.

And regardless of political implications nations who support in any way, terrorism, should be controlled, period. That means Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. At a minimum the US should not be supporting them in any way or selling them anything or buying anything from them. If government is helpless to stop it's citizens from inflicting terrorism on the world than the world needs to step in and do it for them.
I would like to have at least some of the hostages freed if they are still alive. Zelensky is freaking that the US is now paying more attention to Israel. Russia and Iran are rattling sabers more than ever. China is salivating over Taiwan while Sleepy Joe is stumbling up more steps. Even Lefty Americans are finally concerned about open borders and consequences thereof. This has the potential for a more wide spread sh*@ show in the immediate future.
I would like to have at least some of the hostages freed if they are still alive. Zelensky is freaking that the US is now paying more attention to Israel. Russia and Iran are rattling sabers more than ever. China is salivating over Taiwan while Sleepy Joe is stumbling up more steps. Even Lefty Americans are finally concerned about open borders and consequences thereof. This has the potential for a more wide spread sh*@ show in the immediate future.
In the end, when Russia takes what it wants from Ukraine, Zolensky will end up far away in some western country, probably the US, with millions and millions of US dollars, living the high life. But by all means, let's keep giving him money and weapons. F that guy.

_Israel with over 10,000 Spy's in the military embedded inside IRAN. Saudi Arabia and world Militarizes.... Israels INTELLIGENCE Agencies, including MOSSAD which is deeply connected to CIA, MI6 .. > ALL knew the Hamas was going to attack Israel several weeks before and months ago including several hours before the attack<
_The United States knew the attack was coming was did Australia, UK. Canada, EU INTELLIGENCE...... Several satellites over Iran, Israel, Palestine and near all captured thousands of troops moving towards Israel all MAJOR INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES knew the attack was coming and news reporters (Israeli spy's) in Palestine all knew the attack was coming and tried to warn Israel and the military///// >
>EVERYONE KNEW THE ATTACK WAS COMING,, INCLUDING INDIA INTELLIGENCE WHO TRIED TO CONTACT ISRAEL ( but Israel commanders and President blocked ALL calls before the attack)

>This attack on Israel was an inside Job, with the help of CIA. MOSSAD, MI6 and large parts of the funding 6 billion $$$$$$$ from U.S. to Iran funded the operations.
_The weapons used came from the Ukraine Black market which came from NATO,>the U.S.

The ISRAELI President and Prime minister Netanyahu ALL STOOD DOWN before the attacks began and told the Israeli INTEL and military commanders to stand down<
And, George Bush personally brought down the twin towers, not to mention that we never landed on the moon, and FDR knew about the Peril Harbor Attacks weeks before it happened. o_O
Every time a war starts. Everyone says, "Nuke Em" "Carpet Bomb" them.Ive seen a lot of war. And you know what. In the end. Its always the grunt on the ground that goes in and does the job.They bombed Iwo Jima in WW2 "forever" ask my Marines how many we lost. It's always that way.This will be no different.Ask our grunts who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Holy Mother of God THIS!
Waterloo, Fredericksburg, Somme, Verdun, Palau, Tokiyo, Dresden, Afghanistan,...
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana
Eventually some poor sob is going to have to walk in there and face the enemy.
I agree to a point. I have said since the beginning that Ukraine is only very slightly less corrupt than Russia. Which is a fact. Ukraine is a money laundering operation, period. They are selling weapons given to them by the US to terrorists, including Hamas. The entire Ukraine conflict can be blamed on the west. On what planet does anyone think it was a good idea for western countries to entertain the notion of Ukraine joining NATO ? That's ridiculous and there is no way in hell Russia would ever let that happen any more than we would allow Russia to annex Mexico. It's really more analogous to Russia forming alliances with the Lakota and then working against the interests of the US government.

And regardless of political implications nations who support in any way, terrorism, should be controlled, period. That means Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon. At a minimum the US should not be supporting them in any way or selling them anything or buying anything from them. If government is helpless to stop it's citizens from inflicting terrorism on the world than the world needs to step in and do it for them.
Hamas and living hostages? that's a stretch. Because of the things I have seen in my life. I know what really evil people are capable of. There is no limit. I learned first off that there is only one way to deal with them. I know if I had not seen the evil I have seen in my life. It wouldn't bother me so much, because there is no way on earth that unless you have seen this type of evil. There is no way your mind could create it.To the Israeli defenders I use the words of T E Lawrence in the movie Lawrence of Arabia............"No Prisoners"
As time goes by, we see that other then throw artillery into Gaza. Nothing is being done. Just a lot of "were Gittin ready" "Were Gittin ready". It is said that Biden has Israel on a short leash. Do you think maybe they will let this atrocity go ? Just return to life as usual. Looks like Hamas really thought this one out. All I hear is excuses. Maybe we should be more concerned about our own security. They want us dead just as much as the Jews. I despise war but to leave this go unanswered is a big mistake
Mrs Greener and I were discussing this situation this morning. I am convinced Hamas has crapped in their messkit. Their attack was far too successful with the number of innocent casualties. The gloves are off and they will be relentless no matter how many years it takes. These are the same people who still hunt Nazi war criminals and those responsible for the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli athletes. No amount of diplomacy will cause the Israelis to back off at this point. The big question mark to me is whether the Iranians will jump in overtly with both feet in response to Israeli attacks. If Iran gets fully involved we are in for major conflict. I would not be surprised if Israel strikes Iran anyway, at least to destroy their nuclear facilities. A major regional conflagration has been brewing there for decades, I wonder if this will be the spark.
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