

I remember the 67 and 73 wars Israel had almost of the world backed Israel or said nothing.

However this time is different. I see countries around the globe taking sides.
From what I've seen the EU, US, India, Qatar and a few others siding with Israel.
Most of the rest of the world countries are siding with the PAL

I do know that Saudi Arabia, Persia and Russia have signed a defense treaty like NATO article 5.
Turkey looks to be leaving NATO very soon for various reasons and they too fully side with PLA.
I've read whereas the US has unloaded much military equipment and bombs and have done some bombing themselves on Gaza.
I guess they still have military supplies after giving so much to Ukraine?

To me it sure looks like so close to WW III unless something changes happen ❓

I know those who believe in: "Trust the plan" are hoping for a positive outcome unless that is Hopium.
I remember the 67 and 73 wars Israel had almost of the world backed Israel or said nothing.

However this time is different. I see countries around the globe taking sides.
From what I've seen the EU, US, India, Qatar and a few others siding with Israel.
Most of the rest of the world countries are siding with the PAL

I do know that Saudi Arabia, Persia and Russia have signed a defense treaty like NATO article 5.
Turkey looks to be leaving NATO very soon for various reasons and they too fully side with PLA.
I've read whereas the US has unloaded much military equipment and bombs and have done some bombing themselves on Gaza.
I guess they still have military supplies after giving so much to Ukraine?

To me it sure looks like so close to WW III unless something changes happen ❓

I know those who believe in: "Trust the plan" are hoping for a positive outcome unless that is Hopium.
tell you what, i read that the president of Turkey supports the attacks, if this is true.....

i'd never ever again talk about how great guns from that country are.

i'll "side with" another few members here that won't even look at Turkish anything.......

yes, WWIII, can be on the horizon......

it'll go dark every where......sooner..........or later.

stock up now, we may not be attacked from overseas, but rather from with-in by supporters to Palestine instead.
I'm thinking that when the Israeli ground assault begins, it could be the event that brings any other nations, terrorist groups or whoever backs Palestine into the fight. I'm also concerned that the fight may not be confined to Israel. We could see attacks anywhere in the world.
Most of the media is playing up the Israeli retaliation to Gaza with scenes of the bombing results, whereas there's very little scenes of the rocket impacts in Israel and the victims there.

The Democrats have an huge problem with anti-Semitism in their Party, as well as on college campuses but that's how that party leans with their indoctrination approach in the schools.

My .02
Debating who's at fault in this thing and pointing fingers back and forth is missing the bigger point, imo. There's plenty of blame to go around and obviously this didn't just start last Saturday, it was just that the heinous events committed by Hamas last Saturday took it to a new level and caused the gloves to come fully off. I certainly admit that I have my bias is this conflict (I support Israel), but both sides will endlessly point to various things in the past as justification, which is why this conflict, and the debate around it, has no end.

There are also some key players that have yet to weigh in and are keeping their cards close to their chest so far - Saudi Arabia being the obvious one. They were very close to a 'normalization' deal with Israel just last week, which was likely a big reason Hamas (and its supporters) kicked this thing off. How SA eventually weighs in on this, and which side they take, could have far-reaching effects. Same goes for several other players in the region.

However, it's the bigger picture that has me really concerned right now. The Middle East is blowing up, and I think it's going to get a lot worse and metastasize before it gets better. In addition to the conflict in Ukraine, there are numerous other lower-intensity smoldering conflicts in eastern Europe/Caucasus/Russian Federation, any of which could turn into another regional war easily. And on top of that, I have zero doubts that the Chinese are thinking very hard right now about whether this is the right time to strike Taiwan, with the West distracted and spread thin by other growing conflicts. Add some sort of Black Swan event into this already potent mix, such as another pandemic of some sort, or a terrorist event somewhere in the Western world, and this thing goes global quickly.

2024 is going to be a wild ride. Time to get your house in order. And I'll be pleasantly surprised to be wrong on this.
Debating who's at fault in this thing and pointing fingers back and forth is missing the bigger point, imo. There's plenty of blame to go around and obviously this didn't just start last Saturday, it was just that the heinous events committed by Hamas last Saturday took it to a new level and caused the gloves to come fully off. I certainly admit that I have my bias is this conflict (I support Israel), but both sides will endlessly point to various things in the past as justification, which is why this conflict, and the debate around it, has no end.

There are also some key players that have yet to weigh in and are keeping their cards close to their chest so far - Saudi Arabia being the obvious one. They were very close to a 'normalization' deal with Israel just last week, which was likely a big reason Hamas (and its supporters) kicked this thing off. How SA eventually weighs in on this, and which side they take, could have far-reaching effects. Same goes for several other players in the region.

However, it's the bigger picture that has me really concerned right now. The Middle East is blowing up, and I think it's going to get a lot worse and metastasize before it gets better. In addition to the conflict in Ukraine, there are numerous other lower-intensity smoldering conflicts in eastern Europe/Caucasus/Russian Federation, any of which could turn into another regional war easily. And on top of that, I have zero doubts that the Chinese are thinking very hard right now about whether this is the right time to strike Taiwan, with the West distracted and spread thin by other growing conflicts. Add some sort of Black Swan event into this already potent mix, such as another pandemic of some sort, or a terrorist event somewhere in the Western world, and this thing goes global quickly.

2024 is going to be a wild ride. Time to get your house in order. And I'll be pleasantly surprised to be wrong on this.
I disagree. Blaming Israel makes you ( not you personally dude, just a general statement) very ill/misinformed at best and a total piece of crap at worst. Israel is under no obligation to provide Palestine ( and by extension Hamas) anything. They left Gaza 2 decades ago and they have been continually attacked with rockets and terrorism from Gaza ever since. If Gazans put down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel put down their weapons there would be no Jews left in the middle east. It's that simple.
I disagree. Blaming Israel makes you ( not you personally dude, just a general statement) very ill/misinformed at best and a total piece of crap at worst. Israel is under no obligation to provide Palestine ( and by extension Hamas) anything. They left Gaza 2 decades ago and they have been continually attacked with rockets and terrorism from Gaza ever since. If Gazans put down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel put down their weapons there would be no Jews left in the middle east. It's that simple.

Agreed, Bob. I made it clear where my bias is in this particular conflict, and yes imo, the people blaming Israel are wrong. I wasn't attempting to make any sort of "equivalency" argument (which I think is BS), except to say that both sides will continue to find reasons to perpetuate this as long as needed, whether those reasons are right, wrong, justifiable or not.

But what I was really getting at is to not miss the forest for the trees.
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Agreed, Bob. I made it clear where my bias is in this particular conflict, and yes imo, the people blaming Israel are wrong. I wasn't attempting to make any sort of "equivalency" argument (which I think is BS), except to say that both side will continue to find reasons to perpetuate this as long as needed, whether those reasons are right, wrong, justifiable or not.

But what I was really getting at is to not miss the forest for the trees.
I wasn't accusing you brother, but this statement here is what I mean when I say I disagree.

"but both sides will endlessly point to various things in the past as justification, which is why this conflict, and the debate around it, has no end."

Israelis have been targeted since Israel's inception. There have been rockets and bombs lobbed into Israeli cities for as long as any of us can remember. Now their border was breached and the heinous bastards mowed down innocent women and babies. I don't think they have to stretch anything to come up with justification. The majority of the Arab world doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist. Israel has had to fight for that right since it's inception. This is everyday life in Israel. Israeli leftists, main stream media outlets and other citizens are highly, HIGHLY upset at Netenyahu right now because the government and it's intelligence apparatus failed to protect Israelis from this terrorist attack. Think about that a second. When 9/11 happened was there any contingent of Americans who blamed Bush or the government ? So why is Netenyahu being hammered, even to the point that it is widely speculated it will cost him his job ? It's because it has always been the top priority that the Israeli government protect it's citizens from terrorist attacks. Because there are ALWAYS and have ALWAYS BEEN terrorist attacks against Israel and Israelis.

I am not trying to offend brother, just stating my opinion.
No worries, Bob - I'm not the least bit offended at all, and like I said, I agree with you.

By saying, "but both sides will endlessly point to various things in the past as justification, which is why this conflict, and the debate around it, has no end," I wasn't suggesting that I believe both sides have equally valid arguments.
Israeli leftists, main stream media outlets and other citizens are highly, HIGHLY upset at Netenyahu right now because the government and it's intelligence apparatus failed to protect Israelis from this terrorist attack. Think about that a second. When 9/11 happened was there any contingent of Americans who blamed Bush or the government ?
As a matter of fact, yes. I CLEARLY recall listening to NPR on the morning of 9/12, and a panel was discussing "What America did to provoke this attack." I turned it off and haven't listened to a minute, not a second, of NPR since. :mad:
Israel has been fighting for its existence since the Old Testament. A bit over 3,000 years. There's nothing new here. This is just the current state of affairs.
I would argue that the Jewish people have had to fight for their existence ever since Abram and Sarai did that whole "help God out" thing (Genesis 16). Pretty much all the strife in this region can trace its' origin back to this series of mistakes.
read a few minutes ago that the hamas leadership didnt know about the isreal attacks ahead of time.???? BS
then they released there was a meeting in QATAR yesterday with hamas leadership and an Iran person...
so my question is why are we not breaking a leg off in the qatar government and getting these hamas leaders ...to be dropped ar 35k feet with no chute ooops out the back of a c130
Mrs Greener and I were discussing this situation this morning. I am convinced Hamas has crapped in their messkit. Their attack was far too successful with the number of innocent casualties. The gloves are off and they will be relentless no matter how many years it takes. These are the same people who still hunt Nazi war criminals and those responsible for the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli athletes. No amount of diplomacy will cause the Israelis to back off at this point. The big question mark to me is whether the Iranians will jump in overtly with both feet in response to Israeli attacks. If Iran gets fully involved we are in for major conflict. I would not be surprised if Israel strikes Iran anyway, at least to destroy their nuclear facilities. A major regional conflagration has been brewing there for decades, I wonder if this will be the spark.
Israel being what it is, "an eye for an eye" nation, i think a strike on Iran is imminent. if the Israeli intelligence sniffs out the slightest Iranian participation up to now, we can expect it.

there would be no talking to them to stop.

the atrocities Hamas has demonstrated are far worse than what Hitler did....Hitler at the very least, gassed the people, (which if i can say, was more of a "peaceful death") and not chop off thier heads or other appendages. The reports of autopsies proving rape, torture are far too many, and this is beyond comprehensible for us normal people to fathom.

this will not end well for the Hamas, the supporting country(s), and some of the Palestines that WANTED this to happen.

it will be the innocent Palestinians (and yes, there are many), that will suffer the wrath of revenge.
They need to keep bombing for another week. Then when the ground troops go in, if it has two legs and is alive they need to kill it. This is not your "rules of war" situation. Of course then the liberal press will make the IDF the bad guys. But the rest of the terrorist nations/groups will get the message to leave them alone.
Our sorry government needs to tell Egypt to open that border in the next 12 minutes of they'll never see another penny of US foreign aid money which would include any spare parts for any US equipment they already have.
Then the next move when hanging up from that call is to bomb every last oil facility in Iran. Sink every ship in thier ports and render them with zero income.
NO I HAVE NOT SAT DOWN AND WORRIED ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANY OF THIS. After 2 tours of duty in Vietnam (war #1 we lost) and my son doing a tour in both Afghanistan and Iraq (war #2 we lost), I'm tired of our US getting weaker and weaker daily due to our government policies and lack of "balls" to stand up for our selves.
Wait until all the bad actors that have already come across our border start cutting off babies heads her in the states and see where this all ends up.