
Is a .22LR round plausible for self defense?

It is definitely more reliable than in years past, at least in my opinion. I have run over well over a thousand rounds through my Ruger Mark IV and cannot remember how many misfires I had, but it was very few.

Surprisingly, Aguila is the best for me in reliability. I am at the bottom of a 500 round box without a misfire.

Aguila Super Extra High Velocity 22LR Rimfire Ammunition 500 Round Box
I inserted the wrong link above. Instead, this is the ammo that has been super reliable for me.

Aguila Super Extra Hollow Point 22LR Rimfire Ammunition 500 Round Box
Okay Okay, since this topic was broached in a Rabbit trail on the .357 thread, I thought I might as well make a thread for it.

Can a .22LR be a good defense round?

For me the answer is a solid no, let me explain why. (Opinion Only)

First, any round can kill an opponent when placed perfectly, so this is not about that.

Most of the argument for the .22 for defense we read about or have any data on is related to, you get almost no recoil so weak shooters can put X rounds on target, or you have 79 rounds with which to hit your target so... and the FBI stats show that certain .22LR rounds can penetrate deep enough to meet their own gun buying standards (10-12 inches), but in my humble opinion those are outliers.
What are other consideration? Well, when shooting in combat, running and gunning under pressure, putting that tiny round exactly on the X may be harder than you think. Note: I have never tried this with a .22 pistol, I am a GWOT Army guy...
When acting under duress in order to stop an attacker, I dont know that I want to depend on micro precision with a tiny round, hoping that I hit an organ or other incapacitating point, when if I were shooting a 9mm or 10mm or another defense round, one bullet near that area would stop an attacker.
Another thing in the back of my mind is the condition of the attacker. If a person is high on whatever drug, you can stitch them up with rounds but unless you hit an organ that stops life or a bone structure that stops movement, that high person would still get to you, this has been seen all over the world in combat. In this case you could potentially mag dump your .22 on someone who was high and barring that perfect shot you could still get killed.

There is a lot more to this but these are my initial thoughts.

Yes...better than a BB gun.

If it is all you got, try to hit an eye, ear or throat. But hard to do on a moving target. If you know, no body armor, then put a few in the heart area.

Atomic Bomb Vacation 2.jpg
I see people talking about running and falling and other kinds of things. I can’t think of a scenario in my house when I am running or falling. If we restrict the scenario to home defense, then a 22 caliber JHP will kill a person. The questions about precision are a little bit misleading. If you can’t hit a human target precisely with a .22 caliber, then you sure aren’t going to hit it with a .38 caliber or a 9 mm.
well finally browsed thru this thread - good laughs. Another "is xyz a good/better/good enough" cartridge. We love these discussions/debates it seems. Why not. Fun for everyone.