
The Ultimate Nightstand Gun?

Bear in mind, most states’ self defense laws have the qualifications of being in immediate threat of death or severe bodily harm…which means, with a few exceptions, the person you decide to light up has to be armed, whether they are in your home or not.

Castle doctrine doesn’t mean your domicile is a free-fire zone.
Another twist to that is in Connecticut if someone breaks into your home with a knife you can NOT use a gun to defend yourself. The weaponry has to be equal.
Does blade length matter?

Because I’ve been itching to buy a long sword.

Another twist to that is in Connecticut if someone breaks into your home with a knife you can NOT use a gun to defend yourself. The weaponry has to be equal.
In Massachusetts the citizens there have a duty to retreat as part of the state law.

In NH where I live we have castle doctrine and stand your ground laws here that prevent civil lawsuits or criminal charges against lawful self defense.