
We are in trouble

Additionally—he’s deep in Project 2025; he denies it, but he also denies he lost in 2020.

Project 2025 is pure evil. Dot, period, end of story.
I am curious what folks know about project 2025 and what folks think it actually is... if you read the published things like project 2025 CLIF notes or 2025 for dummies, those things to not actually tell you... I have read all 778 pages and it is not all bad stuff. Oddly, in this day and age of the Media telling us what is true they always forget to tell the whole truth. The Heritage foundation (I have nothing to do with them I just read everything) they have put out a plan like project 2025 for every Republican president nominee since 1980. Their stated intent is to highlight X things that could be done to move a country more to conservative governance. The media just got on this one because they get on anything that is in anyway related to Trump. No-one dog-pilled the same report for Bush or any of the other guys.
This is not a Trump endorsement nor do I like Trump.
well....as one of the possibly few on this forum that have actually run from a bear chasing him, I can say run like hell and don't worry about the other guy....
I would disagree mightily with that,

Considering what R values typically have been—fiscal responsibility, more traditional values…Trump—with his jacking up the deficit and multiple affairs (let alone paying to bang porn stars) is the RINO.

Food for thought.
If you think Harris and the far left libs/marxists are financially responsible, you are deep within their bubble. Everything she spoke of in the debate is to be funded by taxes. That IS NOT fiscally responsible. Funny a liberal feels “loose” sexual morals is an issue when the Dems are the party of anything goes. And then there’s the issue of the wannabe war hero who lies about his rank and assignments to war zones. As a 28 year veteran of the ACTIVE DUTY Air Force, the last is probably the least appealing in someone aspiring to be assistant commander in chief. I doubt what’s his name spent more than 4 years of those 24 in the National Guard actually on active duty. National Guard is NOT on duty 24/7.
I am curious what folks know about project 2025 and what folks think it actually is... if you read the published things like project 2025 CLIF notes or 2025 for dummies, those things to not actually tell you... I have read all 778 pages and it is not all bad stuff. Oddly, in this day and age of the Media telling us what is true they always forget to tell the whole truth. The Heritage foundation (I have nothing to do with them I just read everything) they have put out a plan like project 2025 for every Republican president nominee since 1980. Their stated intent is to highlight X things that could be done to move a country more to conservative governance. The media just got on this one because they get on anything that is in anyway related to Trump. No-one dog-pilled the same report for Bush or any of the other guys.
This is not a Trump endorsement nor do I like Trump.
And don’t forget, as the media is always in the left’s corner, 2025 does away with a lot the “Free” stuff people vote for that has a lot to do with the deficit.
And don’t forget, as the media is always in the left’s corner, 2025 does away with a lot the “Free” stuff people vote for that has a lot to do with the deficit.
This has only gotten air time because Trump. These have been written by both conservative and liberal think tanks for every president. The Heritage foundation happen to be the folks that write it for the Repubs... It is nothing more than a conservative leaning guide to ideas for Policy. Say a new president wants to write a policy for the Dogwalking industry... one thing he could do as homework, is read his Project 20XX (fill in the blank) and see what their thoughts are on Dogwalking governance. He/she could then talk to his undersecretary of dogwalking and brainstorm ideas... the entire point is to have a well thought out guide to policy points relative to conservative or liberal leanings... 100% of presidents have this
Regardless of national advertising, now allowing absolute lies about one's opponent in politics, Trump has never supported "project 2025". He has repeatedly said he has not read it, nor has he endorsed it. It is now clear that absolute lying is allowed in advertising. Those claiming tat project 2025 is his platform are lying. ABSOLUTE BS. Prove me wrong.
The irreparable damage is here now.
How in the h*** does anyone think we are going to be better off with 4 more years of the same?
What damage is DJT going to unleash that’s tops the dumpster fire we have now?

Nice little summary of the Veep.

Kamala Harris has given a single televised interview and no press conferences since becoming the Democrats’ nominee for president. Given the establishment media’s unprecedented blocking, tackling, and gaslighting (including the 9/10 debate), we’ve assembled over 100 videos of Kamala Harris in her own words so that the American people can see where she stands and who she is.


If you think Harris and the far left libs/marxists are financially responsible, you are deep within their bubble. Everything she spoke of in the debate is to be funded by taxes. That IS NOT fiscally responsible. Funny a liberal feels “loose” sexual morals is an issue when the Dems are the party of anything goes. And then there’s the issue of the wannabe war hero who lies about his rank and assignments to war zones. As a 28 year veteran of the ACTIVE DUTY Air Force, the last is probably the least appealing in someone aspiring to be assistant commander in chief. I doubt what’s his name spent more than 4 years of those 24 in the National Guard actually on active duty. National Guard is NOT on duty 24/7.
You don’t get it.

This isn’t a comparison.

At the end of the day DJT is a RINO.
Regardless of national advertising, now allowing absolute lies about one's opponent in politics, Trump has never supported "project 2025". He has repeatedly said he has not read it, nor has he endorsed it. It is now clear that absolute lying is allowed in advertising. Those claiming tat project 2025 is his platform are lying. ABSOLUTE BS. Prove me wrong.
He also says he won in 2020. This is a lie.

He also says that you can kill infants after birth in MN. This is a lie.

Give me one good reason to believe he isn’t lying about 2025.