
What are you doing right now??

Well, after a lunch of peanut butter toast and milk, I lost that spirt of energy and took a two and a half hour nap. Took that shower I was talking about, and now relaxing on the deck with a bit of Cran-Apple on the rocks.

Finishing up my second cup. Slept like the dead, really weird dreams, and woke up feeling like I was hit by yet another train. The Advil is starting to kick in, so I might even get dressed today. It was touch and go for a little while there. I don't think I'll be going much further than the deck today though.. I have some good reads and a comfy hammock chair :) .
Get well soon Belle.
after a very early start, for a sunday at 6 AM, went to get the morning paper, then to walmart for a few things, then had to drive a new route for the future if it comes up, then the wife wanted stuffed shells, and in my garden, this year, i am growing red bell peppers and they are fantastic, my first time ever for bell peppers to actually GROW in my garden, wife wants to stuff those.

here are the red bell peppers, weighing in at about nearly 2 pounds (total)

stuffing is a simple mix of cooked hamburger, and the wifes special spicing's, and other fillings.


a generic pic of stuffed peppers, the wife just does not use cheese, and frankly, i don't like them with cheese


the stuffed shells are homemade pasta shells, filled with Ricotta cheese, herbs, covered in sauce (we here call it gravy, non Italians call it pasta sauce) then baked for about 45 to 50 minutes.

here where i live, there is no way to not get fresh made Italian (and other great ethnic foods) in a small radius of my house

in the package..


and a generic pic of it covered in gravy (or pasta sauce)
