
What are you doing right now??

We just got back from the VA. I have been officially relieved of about 95% of my nursing, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle washer duties. The surgeon was very impressed with the husband's progress thus far, so he can now drive and do most things without my having to be there. So this means I go back to work next week...yay me! 😒 Actually, it's not a bad thing. Hopefully for only seven months, then I can retire..😎
Excellant news.
Very nicely done. You deserve something nice and cold.

I gotta admit that I sit and think in awe of what I used to do. I remember Carrying a full roofs worth of shingles two packs at a time up the ladder on my shoulder, not stopping until they were all there. A month ago I carried half a dozen up singley in the heat and I was done.

The old man everywhere anthem.

I used to do the same. It's been one bundle at a time for me for at least the last 5 years. I re-roofed part of the house next door ( the sand colored one in the pics) last year. I tried to take two bundles up. Got them on my shoulder, took a step on the ladder and said F this and dropped them on the ground and just took one up. I used to do a lot of roofs. And I charged a hell of a lot for it. Because I don't like it and never really needed the work that bad. So if I sold a roof job I got paid like a heart surgeon. It would have to be a ridiculous amount of money to get me to do it now.

We just got back from the VA. I have been officially relieved of about 95% of my nursing, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle washer duties. The surgeon was very impressed with the husband's progress thus far, so he can now drive and do most things without my having to be there. So this means I go back to work next week...yay me! 😒 Actually, it's not a bad thing. Hopefully for only seven months, then I can retire..😎

Yes! Very good new. Now you can go back to work and get some rest. ;)

Blessings to you and yours.

Thank you for your indulgence,


The crew just finished installing the new A/C unit. I'm cool again. :cool: Out with the old, in with the new.


The old unit was from the early 80s. You can't get the refrigerant (R22?) any more. You watch, now this summer won't get above 80°. :LOL:

I also started a three day training for my seasonal employment.


We are focused on disengaged and low propensity voters who lean conservative but just haven't voted lately. I encourage everyone to tell a friend. Get those ballots in the box!

Thank you for your indulgence,
