
What are you doing right now??


The crew just finished installing the new A/C unit. I'm cool again. :cool: Out with the old, in with the new.

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The old unit was from the early 80s. You can't get the refrigerant (R22?) any more. You watch, now this summer won't get above 80°. :LOL:

I also started a three day training for my seasonal employment.

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We are focused on disengaged and low propensity voters who lean conservative but just haven't voted lately. I encourage everyone to tell a friend. Get those ballots in the box!

Thank you for your indulgence,

Good on the new A/C. Miracle of miracles, it took three weeks to get our new air handler shipped and installed. Believe it or not, but the claims process and the tech assessment only took two days. The rest as they say, was a supply chain problem. I had to get a couple of window units for the bedrooms and use the faulty central system very sparingly. Fortunately, most days were mid-80s to low-90s, and it was up and running before triple digits arrived. Whew!

Boom chika wow wow….my foot porn…🤣🤣🤣🤣
We just got back from the VA. I have been officially relieved of about 95% of my nursing, chauffeur, chief cook and bottle washer duties. The surgeon was very impressed with the husband's progress thus far, so he can now drive and do most things without my having to be there. So this means I go back to work next week...yay me! 😒 Actually, it's not a bad thing. Hopefully for only seven months, then I can retire..😎
Great news…. glad all went well with his recovery……so, for you now hi ho… hi ho….its off to work I go…….😬
Just reading where the surgeon general has declared gun violence a health epidemic. 🙄
Old tac, just at a higher level of gov't. Army docs were asking patients in the 90s if they had guns in the home. As this nonsense has expanded to some in the civilian health community I have to conclude this is where we end up when medical care is paid for and therefore controlled by the gov't (i.e., taxpayers) either directly or by pass through to healthcare corporations. Meanwhile, criminals always get their guns, smokes, booze, and dope - always.
I just came back inside after completing my combination Tai Chi/Rain Dance. We're just shy of one inch of precipitation for the month. I haven't needed to mow the entire property for more than three weeks.
Well, while I'm certain my performance this morning was unbecoming to say the least, it may have been advantageous after all: we received a shade over one half inch!
Well, while I'm certain my performance this morning was unbecoming to say the least, it may have been advantageous after all: we received a shade over one half inch!
geez, seriously, so many states need rain...some get a deluge, some get a mere sprinkle....

the farmers need it when they need it, that's of importance.

but i have seen here locally, where our small farms lose most everything due to way too much rain.

higher food prices are a certainty.