
What are you doing right now??

woke up from a long nap (about 2:45) ...seriously, went down about 10:30..!!!!!!

got up at 2 AM to pick up that family person from work at 3.....got home, could not go back to sleep

she emails me that now, she got an added work night, Sundays....at least 3 nights in a row...

when i go monday for my kidney stones, i won't need anesthesia, i'll drop on the table and go "sleepy" all on my own...... :LOL:
still waiting for the dolt ups driver.

was supposed to be here between 2 pm and 6 pm, with my verizon tv receivers.

tracking shows him to be several blocks away..

i suspect sooner or later, i'll get a ups message saying that the delivery will be next week.

must be a new driver, they must have over loaded his truck

i "could have" paid the $15 delivery fee, but why in the hell should i..??

i didn't want these blasted things, Verizon is exchanging them, on thier dime.

i gotta be in bed by 8:30, and i don't want the wife to open the door for a package, at night, even though god only knows, i have lots of lights on.

blasted ups.....and just when weeks ago, i spoke nicely of these dolts.
Installed the hall bench today. Next project!


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Todays hike.

The Bear Grass and other wildflowers are blooming up from the trailhead. With increasing elevation the veg went from early summer to late winter .


Ran into a confused Mom. I flushed her three little kids at a point on the trail. She (Spruce grouse) came up to me looking for them. I told her were they went but wouldn't listen.


I tried to flush her but she ran up the trail ahead of me I would stop and admonish her so she would run back to me with a confused look on her face.


This happened 3X. Finally I flushed her back down the trail towards her kids.

Ran into the remnant snow banks ~200 ft. below the saddle. The snow was deep & rotten and covering the trail for a distance so I bypassed two biggest fields walking along the edges in the melted off open parts. Finally got up on the saddle near the view point where I was heading.



A short walk to my destination.




Nice views as always, still lots of snow up high & you could see other mountain ranges ~100 mi. away in all directions.


3 hrs. up & 2 hrs. back down to my rig, then down to town.