
Words or Phrases From Your Part of America

In the South, if a sweet old lady smiles and says 'Well bless your heart!" It ain't a complement. :rolleyes:
Wicked = something good
Ayuh = yes
Door Yard = driveway and maybe the whole front of the house
Down east is actually up north, just on the coast and lastly Bangor ME is BANG-GOR not banger, two G's damn it no matter how it's spelled ;) .
From growing up in farm country, here are a few I can recall:

"That boy's brain don't have enough horsepower to pull a thought"

"Stay between the rows, boy!" (focus on the task)

"Keep your furrows straight" (do a quality job)

"I'd say he's about half a bubble off plumb"

"I might as well be talking to that fence post, boy"

"You can argue till the cows come home......"

"We need rain, the field's are dryer than a popcorn fart"

"Mess with the bull, get the horns"

"That boy's about as useless as teats on a boar hog"