ok, i went for my noontime nap....so i could have the energy to do this switch over, and boy, am i glad i did...
the Mrs said the FedEx guy dropped off the package about 1:30
went to the basement at 2PM, and honestly, just finished the switch over at 3:10...!!
IT WAS NOT A 10 MINUTE JOB..........!!!!!!!!!!!.......like
@Belt Fed SAID IT WOULD BE...........
i had to assemble to mag release button, with that TINY spring....oh joy to the @#*&^%@* world that was......!!!!!
then OMFG...try and remove the ###@%@^%$#% slide release....!!!!
twist this, push that, pull this, OMFG...........!!!!!!!
well, the trigger control unit DID POP OUT...OH MY GOD......SOMETHING ACTUALLY DID WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO DO....!!!!!!
reinserted the trigger control into the new frame, oh &^%^$#^ joy that was....!!!
TIGHT..???? did i say TIGHT..??
well the video does say to use a soft hammer........so instead of my 20 pound sledge, i used the 10 pounder......
control unit went in........and all the holes line up..
but putting that dang-blasted slide release back in, and all the holes lining up..???
i was looking for my Korean war Claymore.........
here are a couple of pics...
this is only 1 of the 3 weights, the 2 smaller ones fit nice and tight, this larger one, i put some tape around it, and it is snug into it's bore.
and the finished product, after all that sweating, swearing, and wishing that i had napped longer
the grip IS slimmer than the OEM, and the shaved area just under the mag release is much more comfortable as well.
now, if you'll excuse me, imma gonna take my early evening nap NOW......!!!!!!!!
i'm beat to hell.............
"10 minute job"..............
@Belt Fed ..............!!!!!!!!!!!.............